What is Club 52?
Club 52 is an exclusive Summer Camp fundraising entity for the Pulse Youth Group. Club 52 membership funds will enable Club 52 “Employees” (High School & Middle School students) to earn their way to Summer Camp. “Employees” (students) will minister to the needs of the church & community to earn sponsorship funds. These ministry opportunities will include: helping church members with yard work, housework, baby sitting, Adopt-A-Street; church functions, etc.
What are the benefits Club 52 membership?
Each Club 52 member gets a special membership card with a personal member number (1-52) & website password. Members may select their own number (1-52). Club 52 members will have access to “members only” exclusives on the Club 52 website. Club 52 members will also be treated to special “Appreciation Events”. While all needs of the community & church are of interest to Club 52 “Employees”; Club 52 Member’s needs will receive special attention. The most important Club 52 member benefits are the ones that God has for us in this life and the life to come. We cannot imagine what God has in store for us as a result of His work in the lives of teenagers at Summer Camp.
How do I join Club 52?
Only 52 coveted yearly memberships are available. Once they are gone, they are gone. Each member donates $1.00 a week (about 14 cents a day) to the FBCFH Youth Ministry for a one time donation of $25.00 for the year. Cash or checks can be given (payable to FBCFH) with a special notation for “Club 52”. If you are able, we ask that that these gifts only be given above & beyond your normal giving to the church.
Club 52 web Exclusives: