Y.V. Responses #150-200:
200 deserves 200.
#199 (3/12/2009 7:30 A.M.) hey you guys! i don't know if you remember me but this is Bethany from UCYC this last summer at high school camp:) i hope and pray that things are going well and would love to hear back about how things are going! hit my myspace or email:) littlemessybessy@hotmail.com or my gmail which is bethany.stoller@gmail.com hopefully hear from you guys soon!
We could never forget. They all just hit Spring Break today so I will try to spread this around before they all leave town.
#198 (3/04/2009 4:30 P.M.) Hey David! Are the tickets for the Mercy Me, Jeremy Camp, Hawk Nelson, Addison Road, and Tenth Avenue North preordered tickets? Do I get them from you? THX
$10.00 cash at the door...no tickets.
#197 (2/20/2009 11:30 P.M.) just wondering but in which album is the picture on the home page located?
It wasn't in an albulm. I now put it for you in Youth Group Misc. 2008; 1st one.
I will look and listen.
#195 (2/19/2009 12:40 P.M.) confuse about dates for the mercy me concert March 20 or the 27 you have two dates listed one on calender and the other on upcoming events please clarify thanks.
I'm sorry for the confusion. The websites are correct & the March Parent Newsletter Calendar was not. I corrected the web version & printed new copies of the newsletter for the church foyer & youth room. Thank you for pointing my mistake out. Rikki has always said I'm her type-O : )
#194 (2/16/2009 7:40 P.M.) are we for sure moving the high school youth group to either earlier or a different day? I think that it's a good idea and would allow a lot more people to come. :]
We are seriously considering trying it based on feedback like yours when AWANA ends.
#193 (2/04/2009 10:00 P.M.) We should do high school youth at 5pm.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
#192 (2/01/2009 5:13:13 P.M.) WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
I give them props. It wasn't in the cards this year (that was a short joke).
#191 (1/12/2009 5:13:13 P.M.) re:abortion discussion Yeah that works great! perfect actually! thanks so much!
Sweetness. Now I'm gonna go get ready...
#190 (1/12/2009 4:24:40 P.M.) can we please have a discussion on abortion??? SOON?? and for both hs and ms?? please??
How does this Wednesday (both hours) and this Sunday so we hit both groups. It is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday so that will work great. Let me know.
#189 (01/04/2008) well maybe i am just dumb but i can not find the thing where you put what you think about the summer camps; so i will put it in here. i think i like pondo!
Sorry, I did not put a certain way to contact me. I should have clarified to just contact me your preferable way. Another vote for Pondo.
#188 (01/04/2008) if possible, i think we should attempt to attend a camp in June...preferably separate middle and high school...but whatever works best it's just that many people are on vacation during July..especially the 2nd week, which you are looking at
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
#187 (01/01/2008 1:56:40 P.M.) First Y.V. comment all year.
You rock.
#186 (12/30/2008) Concerning the choice for summer camp this year, I'm going to vote for the one which has the discgolf course. Only the highest of quality youth camps would have such a fine recreational sport on the premises. O yeah, and the preaching of God's word is also important. Go DiscGolf! Sincerely, Concerned church member, not related to Zion Atwood. P.S. Grandma's against Gangsta rap, telling me to throw some JC at my peeps, Hillarity!
Both camps have disc golf baskets in the ground. That has nothing to do with the choice but is clearly evidence of God's divine favor. It has to be the best Lottie Moon promo video since video was invented.
#185 (12/29/2008) this "yv box" is the best idea in the world idk if you came up with it, but if you did you must be the coolest youth pastor ever
I do not think I have ever had an original idea (including that one). Long story short, I went to Camp as a counselor and we had people ask questions on index cards. It was the best Q & A session ever. I wanted to have those kinds of experiences all year long.
#184 (12/22/2008) DAVID! hey u no when people say like "wow, she/he is ugly, or that dog is hideous." When people say that no matter what its about, whether it be a person, or a plant, or an animal; are they critizing Gods work?
The world today is much different than it was on day 6:
Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the
morning were the sixth day. Genesis 1:31 NKJV
In Genesis 3 sin entered the world and cursed it (changed it for the worse). Natural Selection & random genetic mutation have produced a lot of downward change. For example: God did not create a chiuaua. God created a dog kind (probablly a wolf like creature with a lot of genetic variablity) God did not look at a world with death, suffering, & chuiauas and say it was very good. So ugliness & hideous dogs exist because of sin. So to call out ugliness is not critizing God's work but a reminder of how sin messed up this world. But God probablly wouldn't want us going around calling people ugly either:
29 Stop all your dirty talk. Say the right thing at the right time and help others by what you say. 30
Don't make God's Spirit sad. The Spirit makes you sure that someday you will be free from your sins.
31 Stop being bitter and angry and mad at others. Don't yell at one another or curse each other or
ever be rude. 32 Instead, be kind and merciful, and forgive others, just as God forgave you because
of Christ. Ephesians 4:29-32 CEV
#183 (12/22/2008) Non- Public Sumbmisson.
It shouldn't conflict.
#182 (12/21/2008) i'm not gonna put my name but i'll text you later. Anyways, i was wondering if i could use some of the pics on the website *** I'll text you later with my name, b/c that person is on here like all the time.
Yes you can. Click download at the top.
#181 (12/20/2008) We should go the Thousand Pines for camp. It looks like a lot of fun.
Thanks for letting me know.
#180 (12/19/2008) personally im not a huge fan of middle school, and high school combined...but thats just me
Thanks for letting me know.
#179 (12/19/2008) I think we should go to Pondo because it has a lot of fun activities! Plus, high school and middle school can be together! There website looks cooler too. PONDO ALL THE WAY!!!
Pondo's website is better. Both Camps have a combined MS/HS option. Thousand Pines actually has more activities but is more expensive even though we will probally charge the same for both.
#178 (12/15/2008 9:54:13 A.M.) I think that we should have the youth service every other month, rather than every month, and I also think that rikki should speak every other month as well :)
Bi-monthly is an option. Rikki teaches Middle School every Sonday morning but I'm sure would love to teach the combined group like she has various times before. The great thing about the Youth Service is that you decide everything, even who speaks.
#177 (12/14/2008) David. Pumpkin pie or apple?
I know it seems unAmerican but I do not like pie.
#176 (12/12/2008) ive been thinkin about heaven latly and it lead me to this.... the people in ur family r the most important people alive to u, right? everyone is family in heaven, right? so then will u no or recognize ur own personal family
in heaven? will it be the same way it was on earth with ur family but better?
I do not know if the Bible tells us much about this. In Luke 16 Jesus tells a parable of people who were dead but recognized each other. That might be out of context in that you probablly mean "post-curse eternal heaven". Also consider these verses.
Revelation 21:4-5 NKJV 4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”5 Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.”
I imagine that our relationships in heaven will be different because they will be perfect. We will love our direct family more and we will also love everyone else equally as much. That perfect love probablly will not have anything to do with "old earth" connections. So the short answer is; yes you will recognize everyone there -even if you hadn't met them before, & your heavenly family will be equally as important to you as your earthly family in a deeper perfect way.
#175 (12/10/2008 2:09:10 P.M.) David do you believe in predestination?
Sorry for taking a couple days to respond...I was assuming you were asking an "if and why" question but upon thinking about it I will just answer the question...If you mean John Calvin's view of predestination, then no. 2 Peter 3:9 CEV The Lord isn't slow about keeping his promises, as some people think he is. In fact, God is patient, because he wants everyone to turn from sin and no one to be lost.
#174 (11/27/2008 8:13:20 P.M.) I would like to know why we don't have a gnome on a stick!? DAVID!!! Get on it.
And we need to go to a REAL Skillet concert.
I give you the authority to trap and impale a gnome yourself. Yes, our youth group exists to rock out to Skillet.
#173 (11/25/2008 4:17:42 P.M.) so i saw the video for the computer monitor and i was wondering what was the purpose of that? what did the computer represent?
Acquire the Fire was an amazing event. I wish I had turned on the video camera more. Pornography enters the lives of many teen boys (& others) thru a computer monitor. Destroying it was symbolic of our inner commitment to purity & accountability.
#172 (11/24/2008 4:07 P.M.) So, i was thinking about camp and when you go to advertise for it you should use my video i know its last years camp but w/e it still works :)
Sounds good to me.
#171 (11/23/2008 9:39:33 P.M.) If you are tempted to sin and someone threatnes to kill someone you love if you dont do that sin, do you do the sin? or do you let the one you love die? (not a real-life situation...yet)
Hypothetical situations like this actually happening are hard to imagine. A mental exercise like this would be different than it actually happening. However, since it is your voice, my gut reaction is to obey God. If someone has the power to take the life it is only given to them by God. Be responsible for what you are responsible for and let God handle His. I pray that something like that would never happen. Philippians 4:8
#170 (11/23/2008 9:39:33 P.M.) How do you reach your friends if when you talk about Christ, they get mad, try to change the subject and are like "OMG, she/he's talking bout God again!"??? How do you not come on too strong, but not be in the backround??
“to preach God's message. Do it willingly, even if it isn't the popular thing to do. You must correct people and point out their sins. But also cheer them up, and when you instruct them, always be patient.” 2 Timothy 4:2 CEV
Hopefully these verses are not too far out of context. The short answer is to expect that treatment, do not be discourage, be patient and loving. I've never seen anyone argued to Jesus but I have seen them loved to Jesus.
“Brothers and sisters, do not be surprised when the people of the world hate you.” 1 John 3:13 NCV
“19 They are judged by this fact: The Light has come into the world, but they did not want light. They wanted darkness, because they were doing evil things. 20 All who do evil hate the light and will not come to the light, because it will show all the evil things they do.” John 3:19-20 NCV
"We must not become tired of doing good. We will receive our harvest of eternal life at the right time if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 NCV
#169 (11/23/2008 9:37:44 P.M.) What is the "Christian" view on the death penalty?
This is a great question and I am glad we took the time on Wed. 12.03.2008 to discuss it as a youth group in depth. This response is a summary of our discussion for those who were not there:
I took notice you did not say the Jewish view… Exodus 21:17 NIV Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death. I know that in John 8:1-11 Jesus forgives someone who deserved the death penalty. I know that Jesus died as a result of the death penalty. I know our sins earns us the death penalty. Romans 6:23 NCV The payment for sin is death. But God gives us the free gift of life forever in Christ Jesus our Lord.
I agree mostly with this quote:
“Yes, God allows capital punishment. But at the same time, God does not always demand the death penalty when it is due. What should a Christian’s view on the death penalty be, then? First, we must remember that God has instituted capital punishment in His Word; therefore, it would be presumptuous of us to think that we could institute a higher standard than He or be more kind than He. God has the highest standard of any being since He is perfect. This standard applies not only to us but to Himself. Therefore, He loves to an infinite degree, and He has mercy to an infinite degree. We also see that He has wrath to an infinite degree, and it is all maintained in a perfect balance.
Second, we must recognize that God has given the government the authority to determine when capital punishment is due (Genesis 9:6; Romans 13:1-7). It is unbiblical to claim that God opposes the death penalty in all instances. Christians should never rejoice when the death penalty is employed, but at the same time, Christians should not fight against the government’s right to execute the perpetrators of the most evil of crimes.” http://www.gotquestions.org/death-penalty.html
Genesis 9:6 NCV Whoever kills a human being will be killed by a human being, because God made humans in his own image.
Romans 13:1-7 NCV 1 All of you must yield to the government rulers. No one rules unless God has given him the power to rule, and no one rules now without that power from God. 2 So those who are against the government are really against what God has commanded. And they will bring punishment on themselves. 3 Those who do right do not have to fear the rulers; only those who do wrong fear them. Do you want to be unafraid of the rulers? Then do what is right, and they will praise you. 4 The ruler is God's servant to help you. But if you do wrong, then be afraid. He has the power to punish; he is God's servant to punish those who do wrong. 5 So you must yield to the government, not only because you might be punished, but because you know it is right. 6 This is also why you pay taxes. Rulers are working for God and give their time to their work. 7 Pay everyone, then, what you owe. If you owe any kind of tax, pay it. Show respect and honor to them all.
To answer what the "Christian" view is; I will submit that Christians are divided on the subject. Roman Catholics & the United Methodist Church are against it. Southern Baptists look at it this way:
“[A resolution adopted at the June, 2000 convention of The Southern Baptist Convention] affirms the use of capital punishment "by civil magistrates as a legitimate form of punishment for those guilty of murder or treasonous acts that result in death." The death penalty should be used only when there is "clear and overwhelming evidence of guilt," the proposal says. It also calls for "vigilance, justice and equity in the criminal justice system," with capital punishment "applied as justly and as fairly as possible without undue delay, without reference to the race, class or status of the guilty." http://www.bpnews.net/bpnews.asp?Id=6002
I think the better question is what is the Biblical view or what is God’s view of the death penalty. The answer is there in the Bible. Whether we agree with it or not is a whole different matter. If we disagree with God we should always re-evaluate our position to match His.
#168 (11/20/2008 1:53:03 P.M.) Hey David, I just wanted to thank you so much for all you've done with our youth group. You mean a lot to all of us and we appreciate you so much! You're an amazing youth pastor and even though you lose your notes sometimes and we all get off topic we always have great discussions anyways! I hope you're having a great day!
Thank you is not enough.
#167 (11/04/2008 8:32:52 P.M.) we need to play capture the flag at Golden Eagle park this week! It is A LOT better playing there
We can certainly play there. The choice of Fountain Park for me was based on several factors for safety and ease of use: The lack of people to interfere with while running (playing B-ball, playground, volleyball, parking lots,etc.) the openess (fewer things to run into, softer areas to fall on, almost guaranteed to not be used by some other group for something), the darkness factor (no softball lights, High School lights), and the central location. I would love to here your reasons why it is "A LOT better". If it is better, we'll move it.
#166 (10/22/2008 11:04:12 A.M.) YO its Gray. Who wants to try and start up the FBC youth band again?
The band has been playing for a while now. They usually practice on Saturdays. Talk to Missy. She's runs the band.
#165 (10/17/2008 10:48:57 P.M.) hahaha david me and my mom just watched some videos on here and i saw the one of you laughing and it was hilarious! Thanks for putting that up there!
You're welcome.
#164 (10/11/2008 7:59 P.M. ) hey david r u going to the underoath concert? if so i would like to go. if not im still going.
I need to work out the how but I want to make it a youth thing. Hopefully it can happen. I'm glad you're going, I hope lots of others do and I hope I can as well.
#163 (9/25/2008 4:21:47 P.M. ) What were Samson and Delilah known for in the bible?
Judges chapters 13-16 tells their true story.
#162 (9/25/2008 4:11:46 P.M.) Could you tell me what the golden rule is?
"Do to others what you want them to do to you. This is the meaning of the law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets." Matthew 7:12 NCV
"Do to others what you would want them to do to you." Luke 6:31 NCV
#161 (9/25/2008 4:11:36 P.M.) Could you give me a brief synopsis of the beautitudes?
God has special blessings for those people who depend only on Him; grieve; are humble; want to obey God more than to eat or drink; are merciful; make peace; are treated badly for doing right; are insulted-mistreated-hated-ignored-all because they follow Jesus & God has special blessings for those people whose hearts are pure. Matthew 5:3-12 CEV, Luke 6:20-23 NCV. Synopsis is a cool word.
#160 (9/24/2008 12:18:25 P.M.) saludos Dios les bendiga
#159 (9/22/2008 10:17:42 A.M.) Do you plan to have your messages match with Tony's?! cuz it collaborated with his last sunday message really well!
I do not plan to match even though I could because Tony is so organized. Tony usually prepares a series that I am made aware of ahead of time and I also get his outlines usually the Thursday before. Any matching is coincidental or planned only by God the Holy Spirit.
#158 (8/31/2008 11:51:41 A.M.) hola! so this is Bethany from UCYC and BBC:) how are you all doing? i am at school now and loving it so much! but i would love to hear how life is going back in Fountain Hills!
Hey Bethany. Everyone is doing great! How is school? If you have a Facebook that would be a great way to keep in touch with everyone (search: David Alan Taylor Jr.), otherwise I can get you a list of emails if you want.
#157 (8/19/2008 6:57:39 P.M.) Hey david its *** ok so i am taking honors biology this year and we are talking about natural selection and i was wondering is that tied in with evolution as like the big bang or not? cause im really confused and dont know how to feel about it um also obviously i dont believe in the big bang and stuff like that but i dont know what to believe about natural selection. oh and by the way i wont be there on Wed. i have *** and will have a huge project so i guess i'll see you on SONday! :)
Great question! I have several books that will help. You can check out these more in-depth articles between now & SONday. Is Natural Selection the Same Thing as Evolution? & Evolution Exposed Chapter 3: Natural Selection vs. Evolution. The short answer will be a quote: "As a matter of fact, 24 years before Darwin’s Origin, a (creationist) scientist named Edward Blyth published the concept of natural selection in the Biblical context of corrupted creation. He saw it as a process that adapted varieties of the created kinds to changing environments after sin brought death into God’s world. A book reviewer once asked, rather naively, if creationists could accept the concept of natural selection. The answer is, “Of course. We thought of it first.” Creation: Facts of Life Chapter 2: Darwin and biologic change. The simple answer is an exampe: Dogs change. God created variety in life. However, dogs will always be & always have been dogs. For example: You can breed wolves (a kind of dog) & eventually get Chihuahuas (a kind of dog) but, you could never breed wolves & get monkeys. Remember to always be a very good student, very humble & very respectful when talking to people in your class.
#156 (8/19/2008 3:33:51 P.M.) a comment on the prayer yv- so God changes His mind? How is that possible if He knows everything, wouldn't He already have an answer that He wouldnt change? ~♥~
James 1:17 & Malachi 3:6 tell us that God does not change, as in His character. Numbers 23:19 tells us that He does not change His plans. God knows how we will respond to His actions and knows how He will respond to our choices. That knowledge does not mean God changed His plans. God created us with free will. We also need to remember that God is merciful. For example, God threatened to punish certain groups in the Bible at various times, for various reasons. God would have punished those groups if they did not repent, staying true to His Word. The question is; Would they have repented if God did not threaten them? God is able to respond to our choices without changing His character or purposes.
#155 (8/17/2008 4:34:06 P.M.) wow like dude your online radical...you answered the tubular question within like 3 minutos of my radically awesome life. the new pyg symbol is like totally radical dude. peace out yo! keep ridin them tubular waves. RADICAL!!!!
I will always try to respond promptly. Thanks for listening to the lesson SONday : ). I'm glad you like the new symbol.
#154 (8/17/2008 4:20:21 P.M.) NON-PUBLIC SUBMISSION.
#153 (8/17/2008 4:17:40 P.M.) Where can you get discs in FH?
Assuming you mean golf discs...the bottom of Fountain Lake or my office. The closest & best physical store location is Spinners On the Green. March 2009 update: The old Red Rock gas station on Saguaro has pro shop now.
#152 (8/13/2008 3:49:31 P.M.) ok, ive been wondering about this for a while. So, God has a specific plan for each of us right? And there is nothing we can do to interfere w/ that plan because He already knows what were going to do right? So, when we ask for something in prayer what is the point? He's not going to change His plan for us just cause we ask. So we can ask for someone not to die, if God wants them to die, then they will. I know prayer is important and that we should talk to Him, but what is the point for asking for things? Hope I didnt confuse you. ~♣~
I am glad you took the time to ask your question. Remember, the Y.V. Box never sleeps so you can ask anytime. I would suggest reading Jesus’ teaching on prayer in Matthew 6:5-15. Correct prayer is always asking for God’s will. We do not want people to die & neither does God. I’ll repeat for emphasis: God does not want people to die. Death is a result of sin {Romans 3:23} & we all will die physically. It’s just a matter of when. The death of a grandparent is just as terrible as the death of a child. Death was not God’s intention for us. James 4:2 says we do not have because we do not ask. Prayer does change things! Read 2 Kings 20. Hezekiah’s life was extended because of prayer. Prayer may be a mysterious thing but, even when we don’t understand, know God still asks us to pray without ceasing {1 Thessalonians 5:17}. If it’s important to God & Jesus Himself prayed a lot; it may be something we should do, even when we don’t understand. Prayer most often changes us.
#151 (8/12/2008 8:46:13 P.M.) Hi david! Ok... What happened last sunday?!?! It is creepy!
Check the Pictures & Videos sections for a visual & audio record of the silliness. It's what happens when you let the youth run things : )
#150 (8/8/2008 12:49:51 A.M.) ELLO! i was reading the one minuet bible that you gave us and it was the part where Adam and Eve ate from the tree God told them not to and so on. God said that if you eat from that tree that you will surley die. 2 questions come from this, no 3. Okay, doesn't God have a reason for everything? then why did Adam and Eve disobey God and he planned for all this misery? And doesn't God always know what's happening, what did happen, whats going to happen? if so, then why did he come into the garden asking where are you, what happen, why did you dissobey me? And lastly, Adam and Eve ate from the tree that God said they would die from if they ate from there. They ate anyway. God found out and all after that. But they did not die. How come? Did God lie? How?????????????????????????????????????????? He abvously din't keep his word. That's not right. Why?????????????????????????????????????????????????
First, I am glad you are reading the One Minute Bible daily devotional. 1 on 1 time with God outside of church is so important. Secondly, God gave Adam & Eve a choice. It is true that He knew they would choose not to follow Him. However, He knew that Jesus could save us from that bad choice. God did not create us to be robots. Free will is a part of God’s creation. Death & suffering are not God’s design. Sin, either ours or someone else’s, is the source of death & suffering. God knew where they were but, He was just letting them know He wanted to be with them. Genesis 5:5 says Adam died at 930 years old. God said Adam would die but, did not say when. However, Adam & Eve did die immediately spiritually. That is why Jesus said in John 3:3 we must be born again. God cannot lie (Titus 1:2 NKJV).